Product’s Liability
Defective products can come in many different forms: defective automobiles, defective medical devices, defective drugs, defective consumer products and many more. A product may also be considered to be defective for many different reasons including: design defect, unfit for intended use, failure to warn, failure to guard, defect in construction, or a defect in materials. Each year more than a million Americans are injured because of defective products.
Medical products such as knee replacements, hip replacements, pacemakers, pedicle screws, breast implants, guide wires, and monitoring equipment are among a few of the more recent cases in litigation. Drugs such as Phen-Fen, Serzone, Baycol, Propulsid, and Vioxx have also been the subject of recent litigation.
Actions have also been instituted against General Motors for defective gas tanks which have led to fuel fed fires and burn injuries and deaths. Tire cases against Firestone and automakers have also been undertaken in recent times. The crashworthiness of automobiles is litigated on a regular basis for claims such as the propensity of an automobile to roll over, or have inadequate crush zones.
Defective products cases require extensive resources and experience. Expert witnesses can cost tens of thousands of dollars just for an initial evaluation. Not every lawyer has the resources or connections to utilize the top experts. Our legal team not only has the resources, but the combined experience to take on even the largest corporations nationwide.
Often, a defect in a product is not an obvious cause of an injury. Only upon close examination and with expertise from handling these cases can a winnable case be made. We look closely to see what all the potential contributing factors are to an accident involving serious injury. We draw on our experience and huge database of expert witnesses to ensure that we have examined all the issues thoroughly.